Read 10 lines on Savitribai Phule in English, India’s first female teacher, and her role in women’s education and social reform in simple words.
Have you ever wondered who started women’s education in India? The answer is Savitribai Phule. She was India’s first female teacher and a brave social reformer. Born on January 3, 1831, in Maharashtra, she dedicated her life to educating girls and fighting against social evils.
At that time, education for women was not allowed. Society believed that women should only do household work. But Savitribai and her husband, Jyotirao Phule, challenged this. In 1848, they opened the first school for girls in Pune. She faced insults, threats, and even attacks. People threw mud and stones at her. But she never gave up.
Savitribai also worked for widows, untouchables, and poor people. She opened homes for them and fought against child marriage and caste discrimination. She even adopted a widow’s child and raised him as her own.
During the plague epidemic in 1897, she helped sick people selflessly. Unfortunately, she caught the disease and passed away on March 10, 1897.
Her contribution to education and women’s rights is unforgettable. Today, her birthday is celebrated as Women Teachers’ Day in Maharashtra. She is truly the mother of women’s education in India.
10 Lines On Savitribai Phule In English PDF
20 Lines on Savitribai Phule in English
- Savitribai Phule was born on January 3, 1831, in Naigaon, Maharashtra.
- She is widely regarded as one of the first feminist icons in India.
- She was married to Jyotirao Phule at the age of 9.
- Savitribai was a pioneering social reformer and educator.
- She worked towards eradicating the social evils of caste discrimination and untouchability.
- In 1848, she helped open the first school for girls in Pune.
- Savitribai played a vital role in the education of girls and women in India.
- She faced societal opposition and was ridiculed for her efforts.
- Despite challenges, she continued to work for women’s rights and education.
- Savitribai Phule promoted the importance of women’s education across the country.
- She opened several schools for girls and women in rural areas.
- Savitribai encouraged widow remarriage and worked for the upliftment of the marginalized sections.
- She is often called the first female teacher in India.
- Savitribai was a brave woman who defied social norms to promote equality.
- She wrote poems and literature focusing on social issues.
- She became an important figure in the fight for social justice in India.
- Savitribai faced discrimination but never let it stop her from her mission.
- Her contributions continue to inspire generations of women and activists.
- Savitribai Phule died on March 10, 1897, but her legacy lives on.
- She will always be remembered for her determination and commitment to social reform.
Savitribai Phule Essay in English (300 Words)
Savitribai Phule, born in 1831 in Naigaon, Maharashtra, is remembered as a revolutionary social reformer and the first female teacher in India. Married at a young age to Jyotirao Phule, she played a crucial role in the social reform movement in India, particularly in the field of education.
Together with her husband, she challenged the deeply ingrained caste system and worked for the upliftment of women, especially through education.
In 1848, Savitribai and Jyotirao opened the first school for girls in Pune, marking a significant milestone in India’s history. Despite facing severe opposition from society, she continued her efforts to spread literacy among girls and women, something that was unheard of in those times.
Savitribai became a role model for women’s empowerment and fought tirelessly for women’s rights, advocating for equal access to education and the removal of caste-based discrimination.
In addition to her work in education, Savitribai was a strong advocate for widow remarriage, abolition of child marriage, and the rights of marginalized communities. Her courage and determination in the face of societal norms earned her a lasting place in India’s history as a pioneer of social change.
Savitribai Phule’s work has inspired many individuals and movements in India. She died on March 10, 1897, but her legacy continues to influence generations of women who strive for equality and social justice. Savitribai Phule remains a symbol of resilience and empowerment in the fight against discrimination and injustice.
10 Lines on Savitribai Phule in Hindi
- सावित्रीबाई फुले का जन्म 3 जनवरी 1831 को महाराष्ट्र के नायगांव में हुआ था।
- वे भारत की पहली महिला शिक्षिका और समाज सुधारक के रूप में जानी जाती हैं।
- उनका विवाह ज्योतिराव फुले से हुआ था, जो एक प्रसिद्ध समाज सुधारक थे।
- उन्होंने पुणे में 1848 में पहली बालिका विद्यालय की स्थापना की थी।
- सावित्रीबाई ने भारतीय समाज में महिलाओं और दलितों के अधिकारों के लिए संघर्ष किया।
- वे बाल विवाह, सती प्रथा और जातिवाद के खिलाफ थीं।
- वे महिला शिक्षा को बढ़ावा देने वाली पहली भारतीय महिला थीं।
- समाज की कई बुराइयों को चुनौती देते हुए उन्होंने अपना जीवन समाज सेवा में बिताया।
- उन्होंने महिलाएं और गरीब वर्ग के बच्चों को शिक्षा देने का कार्य किया।
- उनका योगदान भारतीय समाज में आज भी प्रेरणास्त्रोत है।
10 Lines on Savitribai Phule in Marathi
- सावित्रीबाई फुले यांचा जन्म ३ जानेवारी १८३१ रोजी महाराष्ट्रातील नायगाव येथे झाला.
- त्या भारतातील पहिल्या महिला शिक्षिका आणि समाज सुधारक होत्या.
- त्यांचा विवाह ज्योतिराव फुले यांच्याशी झाला, जे एक प्रसिद्ध समाज सुधारक होते.
- १८४८ मध्ये त्यांनी पुण्यात पहिली मुलींची शाळा सुरू केली.
- सावित्रीबाई फुले यांनी महिलांच्या शिक्षणासाठी आणि समानतेसाठी आयुष्य समर्पित केले.
- त्या बालविवाह, जातीपाती, सती प्रथा यांच्याविरुद्ध होत्या.
- त्या महिलांच्या हक्कांसाठी लढाल्या आणि त्यांच्या अधिकारांचे उल्लंघन थांबवण्यासाठी काम केले.
- सावित्रीबाईने गरीब आणि दलित वर्गातील मुलांना शिक्षण देण्याचे कार्य केले.
- त्यांना समाजाच्या अनेक वाईट परंपरांचा विरोध करण्यात मोठा संघर्ष केला.
- त्यांचे कार्य आजही समाज सुधारक आणि महिलांच्या हक्कांसाठी प्रेरणा देणारे आहे.
Short Essay on Savitribai Phule
Savitribai Phule, a pioneering figure in Indian history, dedicated her life to social reform, especially in the field of education for women. Born in 1831, she faced numerous challenges but managed to break societal barriers, alongside her husband, Jyotirao Phule.
Savitribai became the first female teacher in India and worked relentlessly to educate girls, women, and marginalized communities. She founded the first girls’ school in Pune in 1848, a remarkable achievement in a society that denied women education.
Savitribai was an advocate for women’s rights and fought against practices like child marriage and untouchability. Her courage and determination to bring about change have left an indelible mark on India’s history.
Despite facing harsh criticism and ridicule from society, she remained steadfast in her mission for social justice and equality. Savitribai’s legacy continues to inspire millions, especially in the pursuit of women’s empowerment and education.
Savitribai Phule Essay in English (500 Words)
Savitribai Phule, born on January 3, 1831, in Naigaon, Maharashtra, was an extraordinary social reformer, educator, and poet who played a pivotal role in changing the social fabric of 19th-century India.
She was married at the tender age of nine to Jyotirao Phule, a social reformer who inspired her to challenge social norms. Together, they worked tirelessly for the upliftment of women and marginalized communities.
Savitribai Phule is best known for her contributions to women’s education. In 1848, she helped open the first school for girls in Pune, marking a milestone in Indian history.
At that time, women’s education was a radical idea, and the couple faced severe opposition from the conservative sections of society. Despite the challenges, Savitribai’s courage and determination never wavered.
She became India’s first female teacher, teaching in the school she helped establish, and she continued to work towards spreading education across rural Maharashtra.
Her work was not limited to education alone. Savitribai was deeply involved in social reform movements, advocating for women’s rights, the abolition of child marriage, and the abolition of untouchability.
She was instrumental in encouraging the remarriage of widows, which was a taboo in society at the time. Her efforts to combat caste-based discrimination and promote gender equality were groundbreaking in an era when such progressive ideas were considered radical.
Savitribai’s legacy extends beyond her lifetime. Her contributions to women’s empowerment and education have left a lasting impact on India’s social reform movement.
She faced immense ridicule and personal hardship, including being ostracized by society, but remained unwavering in her mission. Her writings, poems, and literature often focused on social issues, promoting equality, and calling for the dismantling of discriminatory systems.
In 1897, Savitribai Phule passed away, but her legacy continued to inspire countless individuals. She remains a symbol of resilience, a beacon of hope for the marginalized, and a source of inspiration for generations of women who continue to fight for education, equality, and justice.
Savitribai Phule’s story is a testament to the power of education and the importance of challenging societal norms. Today, she is regarded as one of the greatest visionaries in Indian history, whose work laid the foundation for the progress of women and the marginalized in Indian society.
5 Lines on Savitribai Phule
- Savitribai Phule was a social reformer and India’s first female teacher.
- She co-founded the first girls’ school in India in 1848 with her husband, Jyotirao Phule.
- Savitribai fought against child marriage, caste discrimination, and supported widow remarriage.
- She worked for women’s rights and education throughout her life, despite facing societal opposition.
- Her legacy continues to inspire women’s empowerment and social justice movements.
10 Lines On Savitribai Phule In English
Savitribai Phule was India’s first female teacher and a fearless social reformer who fought for women’s rights and education. Her contributions laid the foundation for gender equality in Indian society.
- Savitribai Phule was born on January 3, 1831, in Maharashtra.
- She, along with her husband Jyotirao Phule, started the first school for girls in India in 1848.
- She faced severe opposition but remained determined to educate women and uplift the oppressed.
- Savitribai also fought against social evils like child marriage and untouchability.
- She wrote inspiring poems promoting education and equality.
- As a social worker, she opened shelters for widows and orphaned children.
- During the plague epidemic, she served patients selflessly and lost her life to the disease in 1897.
- She is often called the “Mother of Indian Feminism” for her revolutionary work.
- Her legacy continues to inspire educators, activists, and women’s rights movements.
- India honors her contributions, and her birth anniversary is celebrated as Women’s Teachers’ Day in Maharashtra.
Important Lines about Savitribai Phule
- First female teacher: Savitribai Phule is considered the first female teacher in India, a pioneer in women’s education.
- Social reformer: She was a social reformer who dedicated her life to fighting caste discrimination, advocating for women’s rights, and promoting education for girls and women.
- Founding the first girls’ school: In 1848, she, along with her husband Jyotirao Phule, opened the first school for girls in Pune, Maharashtra.
- Champion of equality: Savitribai Phule worked tirelessly to challenge societal norms and fought against the caste system, untouchability, and child marriage.
- Poet and writer: She also wrote poems and literature focusing on social issues, highlighting the need for education and equality.
Short Story about Savitribai Phule
Savitribai Phule, born in 1831 in Naigaon, Maharashtra, was married at a young age to Jyotirao Phule, a social reformer. Though she came from a humble background, she was deeply influenced by her husband’s ideas on social justice and equality.
In 1848, Savitribai became the first woman teacher in India and opened the first girls’ school in Pune, despite facing strong opposition from society. She worked to uplift women and marginalized communities by providing education.
Her commitment to education and her courage in the face of social and caste discrimination led to her becoming an iconic figure in the fight for women’s rights.
She also advocated for widow remarriage and opposed the oppressive caste system. Despite being ridiculed and ostracized by society for her efforts, Savitribai remained steadfast in her mission.
She passed away in 1897, but her legacy continues to inspire many in the fight for social justice, education, and women’s empowerment.
How to Write Savitribai Phule?
To write about Savitribai Phule, focus on the following key aspects:
- Introduction: Start by introducing her background—birth, early life, and marriage to Jyotirao Phule.
- Education and Reforms: Highlight her contributions to education, particularly the opening of the first girls’ school in India in 1848.
- Social Work: Discuss her advocacy for women’s rights, widow remarriage, and her opposition to the caste system and untouchability.
- Challenges Faced: Mention the difficulties she faced, such as social ostracization and criticism, and how she persevered.
- Legacy: Conclude by describing her lasting impact on Indian society, her role as a feminist icon, and her inspiration for future generations.
Why is Savitribai Phule Important?
Savitribai Phule is important because she was a pioneering force in India’s social reform movement. She:
- Promoted education for girls at a time when it was a radical idea, contributing to the empowerment of women.
- Fought against social discrimination: Her work focused on eliminating caste-based oppression and untouchability.
- Advocated for women’s rights: She championed the cause of widow remarriage, equal rights for women, and the abolition of child marriage.
- Legacy of inspiration: Savitribai became a symbol of courage, perseverance, and the struggle for justice, inspiring countless women and social reformers in India.
Who Was the First Girl School in India?
The first girls’ school in India was opened in 1848 in Pune, Maharashtra, by Savitribai Phule and her husband Jyotirao Phule. This school marked a significant step in the fight for women’s education in India, which was traditionally opposed by many in the society of that time.
Final Words
Savitribai Phule’s life is an inspiration for all. She proved that education can change society. Despite facing many challenges, she never stopped fighting for justice.
Because of her efforts, millions of girls in India can now go to school. She not only educated women but also gave them confidence and dignity. Her schools gave hope to those who were denied education for centuries.
Savitribai also showed great courage in fighting against caste discrimination. She worked for Dalits and other oppressed communities. She believed that all humans are equal, regardless of gender or caste.
Even today, her work inspires social reformers, teachers, and activists. Many schools, colleges, and universities are named after her. Her poems continue to spread messages of equality and empowerment.
The Indian government has honored her with awards and tributes. Statues and memorials remind us of her sacrifice. But the best tribute we can give her is to educate every girl and fight against social injustice.
Savitribai Phule was not just a teacher—she was a revolutionary. Her dream was a society where everyone gets equal opportunities. We must continue her mission and ensure education for all.

Alberto Robino is a passionate content creator who specializes in sharing concise, insightful, and engaging 10-line facts on a variety of topics. With a love for simplifying complex ideas, he enjoys providing quick, digestible information to help people learn fast.